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» Announcement about news posting.
Posted September 5, 2022. By predator_bg.

As you may have noticed, there haven't been any news posts here for more than a year. Development has never stopped, we just stopped posting here.


So, follow us on ModDB and Discord instead for the latest stuff!

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» Contra 009 work in progress - News Update 15
Posted September 16, 2018. By predator_bg.

Hi guys!! (and girls, I hope there is at least one girl playing Contra mod)

Autumn did not officially start yet, but sometimes we like to be super crazy and break the rules.
So even before Autumn we are bringing you Autumn update (how crazy is that)!?

As we are heading towards Contra 009 FINAL release, we are polishing and improving existing units, AI behavior and gameplay.

In this update we will show you some of the updated units. Of course, besides just units renders, there are a lot of "touches" which you will notice when actually playing.
Once again, we are doing this all for you, so please be a bit more patient.

- First one is updated Microwave Tank for Laser general. Finally that old tuna fish can is replaced with better model. Yes, he is using Avenger bottom, and no, not every tank has to be super unique.


- "Gate guardians" are cool guardian drones made only for Seraph mech. Due to game balance Seraph`s shield is removed. New drones are made by default, you don't have to spend money for them. They protect Seraph in pair. Repairing him while standing above him, destroying missiles with lasers, and shooting on both infantry and vehicles. Drones cannot be killed (nor targeted) until Seraph dies.


- Cybernetic general Factory has been remade because of few reasons. First one is, old model had really bad UVW map where some parts of texture were stretched. When exported, few animation frames were cut (no one actually noticed and I never told anyone). And texture style didn't fit other USA structures. So now, you can see brand new factory which fits Ironhand style. Factory doesn't have dining room, sleeping room and other rooms like barracks, instead, there is a butchery needed for assembly of human and robot parts. Where are human parts from? Well, don't ask me. Ask general Ironhand who claims there are less homeless on the streets since he runs his program.


- Another USA structure makeover is given to Airforce generals Superweapon. Again, bad UVW map and texture design, but also lack of night version led to improvement. Few more details added, looks neat in game.


- China also got few things. Zhu Rong or Thermobaric mortar, got improved cannon and few details attached. Once you play general Bao challenge, you will know you are in Hell.


- Contra doesn't have many public models in game. In fact, there is one only. It is famous Dragon Tank. I couldn't find a better concept for this true masterpiece, in order to make this tank unique for Contra. At the end, it would be just a slight variant of this unit. So, Dragon tank got his texture and UVW map improved to fit all other China tanks in Contra mod.


- And at last, Tank general Overlord Headquarters got improved structure. We will all agree that old one was lacking details.


And, at the end, as usual...

Please don't ask for release date as we don't know exactly. Yes, we are doing our best to release 009 FINAL this year. Both you and we are waiting for this very long. But keep in mind that we are trying not to release a version filled with bugs, or with broken gameplay where one general rules over others. We are aware that we won't be able to achieve a perfect balance, but we assure you that it will be much better than before. That's hard when you have so many unique units.

Anyway, thank you for patience, and thank you for support. It means a lot!

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» Contra 009 work in progress - News Update 14
Posted July 8, 2018. By predator_bg.

Greetings everyone!


A short video presentation of a new super unit for Cybernetic general, "Widow".



In case you didn't notice yet on Contra 009 stream videos, Cybernetic general got his spider units back, as an option to counter fast and deadly GLA attacks.

This means, when you reach rank3 and build Strategy Center, you will have to decide whether you will join the cult of Spiders or follow the path of Angels.

- if you select Angels, you will be able to build rank3 Angel units, together with their rank5 leader "Seraph" mech.

- if you chose Spiders, you will be able to use rank3 Spider units, with their mother "Widow" as rank 5 super unit.



Many of you will ask what is the difference and which one to use!? Well, it depends on your twisted mind. :)

- But it also depends on the type of the opponent you are facing. If you are fighting China, or USA, most likely you will go with Angels because of their firepower and armor. Angels are strong, but also slow and cost more.

- If you are fighting any of GLA generals, you will probably want to go with Spiders, as Spiders are fast and weak, but also cost less.

Depending on which option you chose, you will be able to build one Super unit, either "Seraph" or "Widow".

"Widow" is fast long range Super unit, armed with prototype of dual rail gun cannons, missile system effective vs ground and air targets, and is able to deploy spider mines for cheap price (used by repair droid in the past).

Please note that final version of Widow may differ from what you saw in video, as things are still being tested, fixed and repaired.

Widow is voiced by streamer MaelstromX103

Follow our ModDB page for more updates, as they are coming soon!

Join us on Discord, arrange games with other people, check our internal games and more.

We are a few steps away from new release, be patient!

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» Contra 009 work in progress - Update 13
Posted April 8, 2018. By predator_bg.
Welcome to another Contra update and Happy Easter!
This time it took longer to release a news update, but the work never stopped since the last update. There's work behind the scenes and there's work you see in news such as new models. After all, we posted News Update 11 and 12 one week apart like never before, while keeping them detailed.
Weather Manipulation Device (or WMD) is in the spotlights again. But why this model again? A sudden game crash was preventing us from inserting the model with all the initial details. Fortunately, that was fixed and the model was successfully inserted and looks as good as planned.
Laser general's Tokamak super power plant got a texture overhaul and it glows on night maps.
Salvage Factory is a new building for Assault general. It was about time for Assault to get a special building since Stealth has Jammer Station, Toxin has Chemical Lab and Demo has Airfield. This new building is of course still being tested, but currently, it is available at rank 3 and costs $3000. Salvage Factory drops a salvage crate at the red mark each few seconds. Players have to manually place their tank on that spot in order to get the crate. In addition, "Recycling" upgrade is now available for research at this structure, thus at rank 3. We have some more ideas for this structure which may become active abilities.
The good old SDI Cannon is now a good new SDI Cannon. All stats remain unchanged.
One good screenshot follows up. Let's not forget about the standard way of showing cool stuff, hey! Infantry general's Troop Crawlers...
... but it's not over yet. Particle and sound effects have also been improved without performance cost.

Before we end this update, we want to link you to Maelstrom's twitch. He streams Contra every Saturday, showing new content while testers play online:
He was very generous to record new voice lines for Angel robots, and is planning to do some more for other units.

And as usual: Link to Discord.
Hope you enjoyed!

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» Contra 009 work in progress - Update 8
Posted February 26, 2017. By predator_bg.

Originally posted on ModDB by d-ce on Feb 26th, 2017

Hi folks!
It's been two months since we released Contra 009 Beta 2 version, and we can only say that we are very happy with your feedback, and with approximately 100 downloads per day.
We are also glad to see more people being active on Tunngle and our Discord channel. We apologize for not being active there, since we are occupied with our work for Contra, but you can discuss things there with some other people, and arrange games.
As you guys play and report bugs, we fix them and improve things. 
We fixed obvious Ratel II overpowered state, Centurion bonus damage and so on. Everything with purpose to make game even more balanced and enjoyable.
But we also proceeded with our scheduled work. It's important to note that this is not a patch update as some people are thinking, but a news update. Let's get to it.
This time we are more focused on GLA. 
- GLA Chemical general got a new structure, Chemical Lab, which replaces both Defiler and Bunker.
Chemical Lab holds important upgrades for Chemical general. This is also the only structure which can spill toxins around, on your demand. Lab can launch both toxin and acid clouds anywhere on the map. Structure is available at rank 3, but requires Palace.
- Next one is Demo Scorpion
It was about time to change the old model right? We are focused on Demo general, since he has serious problems dealing with other generals. Demo Scorpion has better primary damage, and his standard suicide weapon. But, new addition is the demo charge, which Scorpion leaves on the ground when destroyed (not suicided). Demo charge can deal serious damage to tanks and infantry. It is a very good addition when your forces are retreating, or when attacking. Demo charges will block enemy units from advancing forward, or from chasing your units.
- All GLA generals got one version of Technical which replaces all old variants.
This means also for GLA Chemical general. Chemical general now has Wasp available from rank 1, as AA unit. And Technical is now conventional rank 1 transport unit. His weapons are fixed now and get proper bonus from salvages.
- Last but not least, is visual update for China Bunkers. Previously, their garrisoned versions just had additional housecolor blocks, which were ugly. Now, it is improved with sandbags and wires.
I suggest you to subscribe and to follow Persun's channel, you can see good testing games between us there. You can also see new updated things even before article here.
There were some awesome games lately, which you should see:
A few errors, possibly causing mismatch errors have been found. We are testing for mismatches as well.
ThePredatorBG analyzed and fixed some errors in Skirmish and Challenge AI, as well as usual bug fixes.
Hope you enjoy, and see you next time!

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» Contra 009 work in progress - Update 6
Posted June 5, 2016. By predator_bg.
Originally posted on ModDB by ThePredatorBG on Jun 6th, 2016
Welcome back to another Contra update.
We haven't been resting all that much since the previous update. Dce making new gameplay changes and creating new models as well as testing all new changes online with Persun, and me fixing some bugs and working on maps.
A few new models were made for Cybernetic general. We present you the "Angel" walkers:
From left to the right:
- Remiel - anti-infantry walker which will replace Crab robot at rank 3
- Uriel - anti-tank walker which will replace Spider Tank at rank 3
- Hadriel - artillery walker which will replace Dominator at rank 3
Units have kept their former units' weapons and got a secondary weapon, Advanced Scan Systems.
Advanced scan systems are purchased with Advanced Data Transmission upgrade. It gives Angels a scan beam, which lowers targeted units' armor by 20%.
We will continue with model updates.

Here comes a trailer for the much anticipated Flame challenge mission. General Bao has risen from hell. Will you be able to endure the heat, general?

As you can see, heroes got new abilities which come very handy in battle.

Burton - can swim, and attack in water. With our own animations, Burton can now pass any obstacle in any map. Come across water and plant explosives on important enemy structures.

Terminator - due to his mechanical body, he can't swim, but he can now avoid being crushed by tanks, also, he can crush infantry as well as some obstacles. His size is visually increased too.

Lotus - is able to create holographic image of herself. This hologram is controllable by the player, can distract enemy defenses and units. Giving Lotus ability to escape, or provide diversion. Hologram has life time, and great armor.

Jarmen Kell - can create sandstorm, which covers him and nearby units. Enemies cannot see units, it is great for attacking or escaping. Enemy units also fire automatically at the storm, so your units can escape very easily. On snow maps, sandstorm is displayed as a snow mist.

That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed the update. Stay tuned!

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» Contra 009 Beta Released
Posted December 8, 2015. By predator_bg.

Originally posted on ModDB by dcesarec on Dec 7th, 2015



Dear Contra players,
with small delay, we are bringing you first 009 release. As already known, our team which consists from 3 people (d-ceThePredatorBG, and our tester Persun) was working on 009 beta for about a year. 

But real life took from us even more time which we would dedicate to this project. So many plans and ideas are still not implemented in 009 release. However, many new things are inserted, many things are improved and fixed. You can read a detailed changelog here:


We encourage you to download this version, which is better than 008 Final in many aspects. Play it with friends, and play it with us.




Join us either on Hamachi in this network: generalsgentlemen (Pass: generalsgentlemen); keep in mind, players on this network play all kind of ZH mods. 
Or you can join us in Tunngle, in Contra 009 room. We are looking forward to playing some online games.

Also, please support us by voting for us. No matter of winning something or not, it means a lot for us by knowing that people are still liking this project.



Installation video tutorial (more info can be found in video description on YouTube):


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» Contra 009 work in progress - Update 2
Posted July 31, 2015. By predator_bg.

Originally posted on ModDB by dcesarec on Jul 31st, 2015


We are back...


Again, hi folks..!! This is a second update of the new Contra 009 version. As always, we are working on all segments, as much as we can. We are still lacking staff, so I'm hereby inviting anyone interested, but with some skills, at least basic ones, to join us.


I will show you some pics of changed things. As usual, let's start with USA.


- This is Mosquito drone for Cybernetic general. Mosquito drone is used as special power, and it replaces A10 Thunderbolt Strike. Mosquito drone appears as reinforcement unit, and kills enemy infantry units only. It appears in 3 levels, each level has a different number of drones (3, 5, 7). Mosquito is very useful if you fight vs. infantry general. Or you simply need some backup vs. suiciders, Black Lotus etc.



- Next one is Shark drone. As said before, USA Strategy Centers have unique weapons when you use Bombardment Battle Plan. SW has Ion Tower, Laser has Railgun weapon, and Cybernetic has Shark drone. This drone is very useful vs. ground units. But it can be taken down with any AA weapon.





- China also had some makeovers. As you probably saw, Zhu Rong got a new model (screenshot).



- China Tank general got new structure. It's Overlord Headquarters. This structure is very important to Tank general. It is available at rank 3. Limited to 1 at a time, costs much, consumes power and it is revealed on the map to enemy players. But, it gives 15% discount to all Overlord based units, repairs all Overlord based units all over the map (as long as it exists). It also grants upgrades for Tank general, such as Uranium Shells, and Nuclear Tank upgrade. Structure can be captured and used by other China generals.



- Some GLA improvements. This is new Scorpion model. All 3 salvage variants.



- And new Bomb Truck with his Bio Bomb and High-Explosive Bomb variations.



Don't think this is all what we have done, as I said before, there are plenty more of changes in game balance, upgrades, and even particles. We test the new version every day and try to bring as much polished version as possible. So, I won't list all changes, because they are subject to change while testing. Also, you saw new animals and stuff, which will also appear on official maps (here).


- I would like to point you to a Contra 008 FINAL tournament, register here: Contra 008 FINAL tournament


Good players from this tournament will be able to join us in our every day new version testing, playing with us, suggesting new things and much more.

As for the end, I think I can say that the next update will be public 009 Beta release. So enjoy what we have done so far, apply for the tournament, test your skills, meet new people and wait for the new release ;)

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» Contra 008 FINAL released!
Posted December 26, 2014. By predator_bg.

Originally posted on ModDB by dcesarec on Dec 25th, 2014


Dear friends and fans... It has been a long ride since Contra 007 came out. Many years passed, many things happened, good and bad...

You all know that we changed team as we never expected we would. Many people are gone, busy with real life, our friends... Other bad things happened too, our precious was almost ripped off. We survived everything, gathered strength and continued our work. And yes, finally finished Contra 008 FINAL version.

We thank you all for your patience, sometimes it seemed we are not working. But we really had, learning new things, trying to find time for Contra and keep it alive.

Once again, I need to say thanks to these people who answered all my questions and helped us a lot. Track their mods and support them:


Before we get to the real thing, we will give you small gift, for your patience. New remodelled units.

Demolition angry mob:

And, new model for Assault general, Underground Command Post:


I need to remind you that Predator_BG (my dear friend and equal partner in this project), has made launcher for all of you who want English voices, and don't like our new voices. You will also have the option to choose new music or original, running game with or without shellmap.


For pure and total enjoyment of 008 FINAL, I recommend you to play with New unit voices, and New music. Speaking of music, we are saying thanks to:

ToneSlave who was a part of our team, but due to RL couldn't participate more. He made menu music, lobby music, and credit music. Also,

Charlie Lockwood who made awesome music for Enhanced mod, and gave us permission to use it. You will see how awesome music it is when you start playing.

One more thing, please understand that GLA does not refer to any country, no matter of language. PLEASE UNDESRSTAND THIS AND TRY TO ENJOY CONTRA!!!

And now, just a small guidance to all generals, some tips:


As known, most annoying general. Make plenty of defenses, hide, build superweapons and take your enemy piece by piece. Valanx and Thor are great supporting units for defending base, or to eliminate important enemy units and structures. Saturn is the slowest super unit in game, but most effective. Great armor, building options, and weapon that takes every target.


General who relies on air force. We reduced the need for micro, F18 units now don't waste missiles, they retarget on another enemy unit. If you have some skills, you will own the map. Comanche is now main unit, he can take both air and ground units, be invisible and search for hidden units. If you reach rank 5, with auroras and Wyvern, you can take everything down in a few seconds.


Slow, but powerful tanks. If you are not very skilled with micro, and just like pure force, then this is the general for you. His tanks can match any other tanks on the battlefield. Laser Thor is very powerful. Omega tank, as super unit, is artillery which is good against structures and tanks. Make sure to protect power structures.


It's all about heroes. His strategy is hit and run with small, weak but fast units at start. But at the end, you have many heroic units. He is the only general in game who uses multiple limited units like: Terminator, Cyborg Commando, Seraph, Nemesis and Cylons. Combine them all together and assimilate your enemy.


Most people will complain about lack of defenses, but why would you need defenses if you play as the most aggressive general in game!? Push forward with deadly units, or sneak from behind and simply erase half of the map with Hadron Collider. The most powerful super weapon in game is available at rank 3. But beware, "if you build it, they will come"!


Strongest infantry units in the game. Used for various atacks. You can either use them in Troop Crawlers or spread them on the battlefield in swarms. This general gets 3 types of artillery units with each major rank. His ambush powers can ensure you victory. Spawn Bunker, Barracks and drop airborne units in the enemy base, clone them... and destroy everything.


Everyone saying his super unit is from hell. Well, maybe he is considering its the strongest unit in game and can take any unit face to face. But to come to that, you will have to use well balanced tanks. Great general if you lack micro skills, and if you just started playing Contra.


Do you like playing with fire? Then this is the general for you. Burn everything up. He has special strategy with fuel trucks which are available at rank 1 from Command Center and they are stealth. Fuel truck can spill fuel which can be ignited by almost any flame unit. If you sneak up with them in the enemy base, or on group of enemy units, your enemy will be shocked with his units burning.


You gotta love this general. Pollute both ground and air, and watch all enemy units coming at you almost dead from all this acid, toxin and silicon clouds. Fully upgraded Qaraqurt as super unit is a bringer of death. If you face this general, prepare some medics...


When playing as Assault general, you don't have to use any particular strategy. You have good tanks, and great artillery units. But at rank 3, you have Tunnel ambush power. If your enemy forgets about that, you can send all your units in his base, and make him regret his lack of knowledge and attention. This general has the best parts of each GLA general. Obstacles are cheap but hard to destroy, they can stop all units from passing the terrain.


You can make everything stealth, any unit and structure. At rank 5 you can even blackout the map of your enemies. Question remains, how will your enemy fight something which he can't see??? Sneaky and deadly general. No one loves to play against him. Do you?


This general will be noticed for sure. Explosions everywhere, traps for any purposes and special demolition attacks. Strongest Elbrus Storm and mobile nuclear super units which literally erase half of the enemy base. Once you start spamming with this general, your enemy will regret playing against you.


And at the end, some installation instructions. Thanks to Contra launcher you can now have other mods in your Zero Hour folder. Extract all files from archive and folder "Contra008FINAL" to Zero Hour folder, start Contra Launcher and enjoy.

This version is mostly focused on online gaming. So please, join us on Tunngle. Challenge is finished, so you can enjoy brutal enemy too. Skirmish is working, but it's not polished to the end. Mostly known problem is that if you use Panic Attack as stealth general, it can cause crash, but it happens 1/5 times.


For even better experience, download GenTool.

Visit C&C:Online. It is a GameSpy emulating server for modern Command & Conquer games, adapted to work for all the Command & Conquer games affected by the GameSpy closure (Generals, Zero Hour, C&C 3, Kane's Wrath, Red Alert 3). You can still play your favourite C&C online like before, without the need of third-party software.

Release changelog

Until the next adventure (Aliens!??), we wish you Happy Holidays. Join us online and support Contra everywhere :)

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» Summer Update
Posted September 1, 2014. By predator_bg.

Originally posted on ModDB by dcesarec on Jul 3rd, 2013


After a first 008 beta release, we continued our work on many mod aspects. Such as improving graphics, fixing bugs and adding some new models. Lately, team is busy with RL problems, but we will show you some of the work that has been done. Work will continue in order to give full 008 release which will be playable and enjoyable as 007 is, even better, with less possible bugs, with best graphics we can give.

What all is in progress now?

There are still bugs left to be fixed, and there are still graphics to be improved. Some models, vegetation, and new lighting environment. Also, new menu interface was not inserted in first 008 beta release properly, so you can expect full new menu interface.

So when can we expect full 008 release?

Not sure at the moment. I personally think it could be done by the end of this year, because not many things left to be done. Even next beta release could be considered as full release. This all depends on our free time and things we can achieve in this summer.

So, when, and will be second beta then?

Again, not sure, I hope in autumn or at the end of summer. But that is just my personal opinion, please note that!!!


I also have an announcement for all Contra fans.

Maybe some of you are familiar with this... but lately, Contra project team is discussing about Contra future. And, the conclusion is...

that we don't see a bright future for Contra mod anymore...........

on this old engine!!! :)


What does this mean???

This means that we want to move Contra mod on a better engine. We are sick and tired of old generals engine limitations (we can't insert all units we want), graphics (we are limited with polygons and textures size), bugs (unfixable engine bugs), lags (without a reason), mismatch, cheating players (those are the worst, I meet them very often) and such....
So, we are nesting, we are searching for a better host. So far, some of the engines are considered as hosts. RA3 engine, NeoAxis engine, and some others. We know it will be hard work and long project which has its own risks. It could turn out great, or it could turn out bad. But we will give it a try. We see Contra as an awesome game in future because we have skills and will to do that. Perhaps we will expand our team too, so stay tuned if we post that we need more people!
Don't worry, before we start doing that, we will give you 008 version finished.


Please note that all those things which I have posted now can be changed in any time. Anything can happen with our members because we all are struggling for better life.


But, enough of text now. Let me give you some pictures.


First, we have improved old Battlemasters. I love those tanks, but they had old texture. So, this is Flame general's Battlemaster:



If we improve Flame general's Battlemaster, it's only fair then to improve Nuke Battlemaster too:



Next, my favorite improvement is Cyborg unit, still under question. Like it to see it in Contra :D



My first rebels for Contra were not so great job. With time I improved my skills, so I have made new rebels too. Now they match to their cameos. From left to the right you see Demo Rebel armed with grenades, normal Rebel armed with machine gun and Toxin Rebel armed with a toxin gun and protected with gas mask.



We didn't show you new USA ranger before, right? He also has new machine gun too. They will have some variants in order to be better recognized on maps.



New GLA Airfield is made too. Old GLA Airfield was not so great model.



And, here are some screens with new vegetation too, you can see new water too. On most played maps in multiplayer games:








With this, I am ending this summer update. For all of you who don't know where to play Contra online, use Tunngle. Both 007 and 008 versions are played there in their rooms. So, join us!

I hope that soon will be one new update too which will show you new bushes, new lighting environment, new ground textures and few models that left to be done!

So, until next update, enjoy Contra and CYA! ;)

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