  • JFTP::login: Unable to login
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode

Generals can be launched with command line parameters. These parameters can help with troubleshooting and make the game more convenient.

If you want to use these parameters, you need to modify Generals shortcut. Make right click on it and select “Properties” in the menu. Add all needed parameters to “Object” string. Note that you need to add additional parameters after quotes and separate them with space. Example:

"C:\Games\Generals\ Generals.exe" –xres 1600 –yres 1200

This is the list of all useful command line parameters.

-noshellmap – disable shell map
-quickstart – disable both shell map and intro movie
-win – run Generals in window mode
-xres [number] – set screen resolution (horizontal size)
-yres [number] - set screen resolution (vertical size)
-noshaders – disable shader effects (it can help if you have low performance PC)
-noaudio – disable all sound
-nomusic – disable music
-novideo – disable intro movie
-scriptDebug – start script debugger. You need to have additional DLL file and set "DebugAI = yes" in Gamedata.ini for it to work properly. It can help with map or skirmish AI debugging.
-particleEdit – start particle editor. You need to have additional DLL file and especial map for particle testing.
-winCursors – use standard Windows mouse cursors.
-nologo – disable EA logo (which is shown when you start the game).
-noFPSLimit – disable FPS limit (the game can run faster on high performance PCs).
-map [map name] – start the game and load the map instantly, without showing intro and menus.
-lowDetail – start the game with low detail (it can help if you have low performance PC)
-noshroud – disable “Fog of war”.